Friday, 21 February 2025

Last minute dash to Milton Keynes for the Vanessa Bell exhibition - where it struck me that as well as Virginia's £500 and a room of one's own, it helps to employ two nursemaids, one for each child ...
And a housemaid to sweep the room of one's own. I'm not a fully-committed Bloomsbury-ite so the people-watching opportunities in the gallery brought me great joy: so many artsy ladies in scarves and amusing hats and artsy old gents with Quentin Bell beards, and one wonderfully rotund old codger in hysterical pants. I did wonder what the future holds for Bloomsbury-worship when this generation of acolytes dies off.
I was intrigued by this electric(?)fire -
And by VW's revolutionary ideas about coffee and table settings: 'We were full of experiments and reforms. We were going to do without table napkins ... we were going to paint; to write; to have coffee after dinner instead of tea at nine o'clock. Everything was going to be new, everything was going to be different.' I hope the coffee didn't keep her up all night. I enjoyed the Famous Women Dinner Service with plates commemorating Queen Victoria and Jezebel, Jane Austen and Miss America 1933.
And I loved all the flowers ...

Monday, 17 February 2025

Well, bear with me while I get back in my stride - but I will say that this Iranian film is simply gripping and had me on the edge of my seat last night. (Word of warning, it's VERY long!) 5* from me, although it does strain credibility towards the end - but I was so engrossed that didn't bother me at the time.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Is there anybody there? Well, a couple of people were kind enough to say they missed me. And it's only taken me five months to work out how to load pictures again. (I wasn't on the case 24/7 but I did sporadically try, honest!) Anyway, an anonymous query last night asking if I'd retired from blogging prompted me to google - and this time I came up with an answer that worked! So here's a picture to celebrate the spring that hasn't yet sprung around here - but I'm enjoying the daffs that were 19p a bunch in Waitrose this afternoon. Normal service could well be resumed soon - although I'm not sure you've missed out on much as the blog hiatus has coincided with a long lethargic spell here. (Weather, more weather, house sale that was sensible but nevertheless sad, and penny dropping that having long believed I was completely devoid of any work ethic, even so I'm bizarrely unsuited to retirement.) And yes, I missed all of you, too!

Friday, 27 September 2024

Saddened to hear of the death of the sublime Dame Maggie and so glad that I got to see her last stage performance five years ago.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

I don't know how my local cinema stays open because there was only me and one other person there this afternoon - for this lovely film that was sad and funny. And definitely aimed at my generation as I'm all too obviously there for the silver screen discount and the free coffee (delivered to my seat by a nice Generation Z-er who didn't want me to miss the start of the film). It has been quite a cinematic week as I also saw Prima Facie with an astonishing performance by Jodie Comer; first time I'd seen a NT Live production - apart from a few at home during lockdown - as if you live in London it's just as easy, and often cheaper, to go to the theatre. I didn't think I'd be as engaged watching a screen - but I was mesmerised.

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Well, I'm still here, still picture-less despite much fiddling - and heaven knows why I chose tonight for a comeback as, honestly, this weekend has been jinxed. Last night I had tickets for this play at Hampstead - no reviews yet, but it sounded promising - but alas, the performance was cancelled; and today I was planning to visit these wonderful artists' studios, only to find a notice pinned to the door: exhibition cancelled. So what else has been happening? I doubt anyone reading this will be hankering to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice ... But just in case you're tempted, let me tell you that I crept out bored to tears and thoroughly confused after giving it 40 minutes, which was 40 minutes too long. On the other hand, though I'm probably not the demographic for an Irish-language rap movie, Kneecap was absolutely hilarious - though you need your wits about you to keep up with Irish rappers'sub-titles. I didn't realise it was based on a real-life rap group until the end; but give me a break, I was the oldest person in the cinema by decades. On a more decorous note, this adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by a cast of three was sheer delight and so inventive that I'm sure Jane Austen would have been in ladylike fits of giggles. However, this time I felt like I'd gatecrashed a Saga holiday outing - and I was the youngest person there by, perhaps not decades, but a good few years thank you very much. Well, it makes a change! I also hugely enjoyed this play at the National about a group of gay black American men competing in a hot chicken wing contest. (Oh, the smell of that sizzling chicken! I was rather hoping they'd pass some round the audience.) The Grapes of Wrath was impressive but not as moving as the book. And I caught an amazing performance by the understudy playing Michael in the Death of England trilogy; I'd already seen the third part when it was at the National last year. The evenings do seem to be drawing in so I was thrilled to see the return of Slow Horses, which is quite as good and possibly even better than anything by John le Carré; just be glad that you can't smell flatulent Gary Oldman/Jackson Lamb through the screen. (Which reminds me that I've only read two of the books; must get cracking with the rest.) But to end on that more decorous note, most evenings this week I've been immersed in Mrs Gaskell on BBC Sounds: Sylvia's Lovers, which I'd never read, and an excellent adaptation of North and South - only Cranford seemed a bit stodgy, maybe just impossible to stand up to that wonderful TV series ... can it really be 17 years ago? Feels like yesterday.

Monday, 29 July 2024

I'm enjoying watching Love for Lydia on TPTV. Real, old-fashioned Sunday evening telly - and look out for a pre-Brideshead Jeremy Irons and a very youthful Maureen from Corrie. (Unfortunately, the ever-annoying Blogger is refusing to let me insert images ... It's been such a long time since I posted. Is Blogger defunct? Or just throwing tantrums? Tonight's episode reminded me how good HE Bates is on food. Well, think of all those massive dinners put away by the Larkins. We sat at the counter and ate fish and chips and separate saucers of scalding stewed peas, seasoning them from great tin salt and pepper dredgers that were like pint pots.Mrs O'Keeffe tossed the frizzling chips in the gleaming fryers and wiped her fat hands on her hips and asked me how my father was ... I was intending to post about my expedition yesterday to the excellent Edward Bawden exhibition at the Higgins at Bedford - but without pictures there doesn't seem much point! (Blogger doesn't like paragraphs either!)