Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Monday night was a telly-fest ... a pot of chilli, a nip of whisky (thanks, Darlene!) the latest episode of Victoria and then, hurrah, the start of a new series of Outlander. I know, I'll watch any tosh if it's in period costume. (But I did enjoy this documentary about the Magnum photographers, too. So that raised the tone.)
Last night, though, I'd booked a last minute ticket to our lovely local theatre to see Driving Miss Daisy with Sîan Phillips. How sad ... rows and rows of empty seats. And she was terrific - huge applause and cheers at the end. And she still looks as beautiful as ever. The woman sitting next to me said she'd overheard someone in the bar saying, 'Who's Sîan Phillips? I've never heard of her.' Which made those of us old enough to remember I, Claudius feel absolutely ancient! I've been trying to recall who played Miss Daisy when I saw the original production in the West End - and I think it was Wendy Hiller. Now that does make me feel ancient! I'm so tempted to dig out the programme from that dusty old suitcase in the bottom of the wardrobe ... but if I do, that'll be the whole afternoon gone! (I've stopped buying programmes. There is no room for any more clutter that I can't bear to be parted from.)
Driving Miss Daisy is on tour. Bizarrely, the last play I saw at Richmond a couple of weeks ago was packed out - a thoroughly limp and unthrilling thriller. If it's coming to a theatre near you, save your pennies for something better!


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Never hear of Sian Phillips? What the heck?

I am ashamed to say I've not even seen the film of 'Driving Miss Daisy'...

Mary said...

I've only the vaguest memory of the film, Veronica - Morgan Freeman, wasn't it?

Cosy Books said...

Imagine how old-fashioned Driving Miss Daisy will seem one day when driverless cars are de rigueur? Glad to hear the whiskey is keeping the chill of an impending autumn at bay, Mary.

Mary said...

I remember reading House of Sand and Fog - well, only vaguely remember because it wasn't a very good book, but so many tragic events seemed to hinge on people not getting to a phonebox in time! Perhaps in time it will qualify as 'historical'; for now, it just seemed ridiculous!

Mary said...

It is, Sue - I was on my way home before I realised why he looked so familiar. He was very good. I haven't seen Sian Phillips i anything for ages, though - I only watched Strike with half an eye as I got a bit bored with it.
Good to see you back! Any chance of blogging again or have you retired?

Mary said...

I used to like reading you! Your instagram was good, too - but what happened, hacked?

Mary said...

I can see how that would happen. But something happened there, it started coming up in Russian or Arabic - I can't remember now, but something odd!