Thursday, 17 May 2018

The baby is dead. It took only a few seconds.

That's not a spoiler, just the opening line. I only meant to open this for the quickest of quick looks on my way into town last night, but I was hooked - I was reading it in the interval of this wonderful concert at the Festival Hall - just as well I'd gone on my own! - then on the train home - and in snatches today when I really should have been working.
Completely gripping and beautifully written. There's more here.
It reminds me slightly of Véronique Olmi's horrifying - but unforgettable - Beside the Sea. French writers do tension so well!


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

This does sound thrilling and I shall be tracking it down and the other book you mentioned, too. Thank you, Mary.

Mary said...

Beside the Sea is one of the most gruelling things you'll ever read, Veronica. I saw a stage adaptation done as a one woman show in a tiny theatre with about half a dozen people in the audience - one of the most memorable things I've ever seen.

Paddy Murphy said...

I've just finished Lullaby and would like to thank you for the recommendation, it is a book which will stay with me. I couldn't seem to order a copy of Beside the Sea from my local library, so have downloaded it onto my Kindle........girding my loins!

Mary said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Paddy. Good luck with Beside the Sea - it is memorable but quite shattering to read.