Saturday, 16 April 2011

Another London weekend ...
Filching a big bunch of white lilac where it overhangs the railway line.
The scent of wisteria on a busy road.
(Actually, the scent of wisteria on lots of busy roads.)
A glass of sparkling rosé in a new-to-us wine bar
That has a little theatre upstairs.
Which was good. In parts.
(The tiny theatre was packed.
Which was just as well. As they were collecting money in a plastic bucket
For a new heating system.)
The glorious scent of lemon blossom as I had lunch at Petersham this afternoon,
where there were tulips on every table.
Surprising myself that I could name so many tulip varieties.
(I blame Jane Brocket.)
Keeping an eye open for Kristina and her cows in the meadows on the way home.
But she wasn't there.
Maybe it was milking time?


  1. It's so nice to have blog friends in London so I can live vicariously. The collection for a new heating system made me laugh, thanks Mary!

  2. I'm sure people will be wishing they'd donated more generously come December, Darlene!

  3. Lilacs - I have only seen pictures not the real thing but you make it sound so very real!

  4. It's the scent of lilac that's so special, Mystica, especially after rain. There were lilac trees under my bedroom window when I was a child and we used to have huge bunches of it in the house.

  5. Wisteria blooming already? I'm in North Bucks and there are no blooms on the local one. I am awaiting the scent...

  6. Suddenly wisteria is everywhere, Toffeeapple. Isn't it funny how a few miles makes so much difference?

  7. Teddington suddenly seems smothered in wisteria and lilac! And the cows will (hopefully) be arriving this week... K x

  8. There wasn't a single cow in the field, Kristina - only a few people sitting out on the grass.

  9. What a lovely weekend! Petersham is so nice.

  10. It looked particularly lovely on Saturday, Miranda. But one day I'd love to get into that little secret garden that's always locked.
