Friday, 18 January 2013

I love the idea of a snowman on top of the Shard and I do hope that he doesn't melt before my visit next week.
Although I was really hoping for a Wedgwood blue sky and sunny views across London.
(His waistline looks rather like mine after Christmas.)


  1. What a lovely idea! I remember making a snowman to enjoy from our kitchen window. Note to self...don't use cookies for eyes if your dog will be roaming out back.

  2. Shard must have its own climate, Darlene, as there hasn't been enough snow down here until it started falling properly today.

  3. Oo-er don't like. He looks as if he's some sort of kidnap torture victim. But then see what I found on my walk round Salisbury Cathedral Close this afternoon...

  4. Now that's a Waitrose snowman, Elegancemaison. Highly desirable address - but I think I prefer my freaky one.
