Friday 3 July 2015

I love it when I'm walking down a London street and I'm suddenly hit by the heady fragrance of linden blossom . The lanes leading down to the river are full of lime trees and right now they're dripping with scented clusters of flowers. I don't know why I've never got round to picking them before now, but this evening I pulled a handful, enough to make a tisane before bedtime. It is golden and honey-ish and quite delicious - and very Proustian. I really must pick some more before they all disappear.


  1. One of the best surprise scents in the country. I sat on a circular bench wrapped round a Lime tree once without realising it was the source of the heavenly scent.

  2. I want that bench, Lucille!

  3. When my lemon tree is in full bloom it's almost unbearable, it's that heavy in the air. I wonder if lime blossoms smell the same?
    You're so good at knowing what to forage and where, Mary. There are so many homes here with serviceberry trees heaving with fruit and homeowners don't have a clue it can be eaten.

  4. I had to google that one, Darlene!

    Linden flowers aren't citrussy (and nothing to do with limes, just to confuse you!) It's a flowery scent, if that makes sense?
