Wednesday, 23 September 2015

This week's bunch of gladioli, bought so tightly in bud that it was hard to guess their colour, turns out to be exactly the same shade as my collection of old orange Penguins.
For some reason, this pleases me greatly.
(Pink flowers usually go on the other side by the Persephone shelf.)
Matching books and flowers...
I am expecting a visit from Homes and Gardens magazine any day now.


  1. Mary, I can always rely on you to cheer me up: this week I need are always a very good idea.

  2. Especially when they're £1.50 a bunch, Sue! Hope your week improves!

  3. I bought a couple of pots of mums the other day. The buds were still closed up tight but the sticker said 'Atomic Orange'...I took a chance. How bad could it be? I'll send you a picture once they show themselves.

  4. A kind of floral Russian roulette. So glad they weren't peach.

  5. Atomic orange sounds sizzling, Darlene.
    Yes, they don't always turn out as you expect, Lucille.
