Tuesday 1 December 2015

Everybody is saying it, but I'll say it, too - Cate Blanchett is quite brilliant as Carol. One thing I really enjoyed about the film is the 1950s colour palette, those flashes of bright coral against the muted blues, the vibrance of a red and yellow cab in a sombre street scene. Director Todd Haynes also made Far From Heaven, his homage to Douglas Sirk and All that Heaven Allows. Interesting piece here about the photographers - many of them women - who influenced him.


  1. I can't tell you how excited I am to see this, Mary! A cinema in Toronto is showing Carol, The Danish Girl, and Brooklyn all under one roof. I'm tempted to camp out...

  2. Go on, Darlene .. I'd come with you!

  3. Brooklyn is good but I found it instantly forgettable. Pretty to look at but I found it lacked any emotional depth.
    Margaret P

  4. Carol is msuch better than Brooklyn, Margaret - I agree that it was perfectly pleasant but quite forgettable.
