Tuesday, 21 June 2016

It's all mid-century/middlebrow here at the moment and I've just finished Brightness by Elizabeth Jenkins (1963). Looking at the Amazon prices now, I see that my 25p bargain really was a bargain - but it turned out to be rather gloomy, definitely my least favourite of all of her books that I've read, although readers of a more religious bent than I might find some hope of redemption in the ending. It reminded me slightly of Marghanita Laski's The Village in its description of post-war changing values in a small community; but it is a bit preachy - not what I expected of EJ - and heavens, what retribution she wreaked on that poor girl for enjoying a good time and being no better than she oughter be! Darlene got on with rather better than I did and her review is here.


  1. Sorry you didn't enjoy this very much, Mary. I read it a a few years ago and wonder how it would suit now? That copy of Toasted English a couple of posts back looks wonderful...and it's a good thing. Too many duds in a row is the pits.

  2. It wasn't a dud, Darlene. But not in the league of The Tortoise and the Hare - and I enjoyed Robert and Helen more, and I think you probably would, too.
    Having said I'd had enough Margaret Kennedy for the time being, I bought another one this week - Lucy Carmichael - and started it this morning when I really shouldn't have. Well,you have to pounce when you see them - but I was baking with one hand and reading with the other! And it's a wonder the book group got fed tonight!
