Tuesday 6 September 2016

Thank you to Rob for his comment drawing my attention to this very good Radio 4 adaptation of Gissing's New Grub Street. So much better than Victoria which - apart from the ooh factor of Rufus Sewell as the most drop-dead gorgeous PM in history - is proving rather plodding.


  1. I'm watching Victoria purely for the pleasure of looking at Rufus Sewell. As soon as his part is over, I'll stop.

    When Sewell was a pretty boy, I didn't like him at all; he's definitely improved with age. I was thrown when I first saw him as Lord M because I'd last seen him as a high ranking Nazi in The Man in the High Castle.

  2. Yes, Albert is no substitute for Rufus. (How annoying that men improve with age!) Victoria has been a disappointment, and I don't like that simpering actress, can't remember her name.

  3. Haven't been watching Victoria or listening to the other but thank you for once more suggesting a visit for when we next visit our London daughter. I thought it was much further away than that... though since she lives in Walthamstow, I suppose it is much further. But it sounds doable. I must go! I've always wanted to.

  4. Easily do-able, Pam. Train from Waterloo to Alton, then a bus drops you right outside the house. Just check the bus times as they're infrequent so you wouldn't want to just miss one. I was so glad I'd made the effort at long last.
