Thursday 3 November 2016

This book should come with a warning: Don't even allow it into the house if you're supposed to be working! I brought it back from the library at 8pm last night - only opened it for a peep, honest! - and now I'm so nearly finished, I might as well as carry on until we see the white smoke. Unputdownable. Now excuse me ... must get back to the Sistine Chapel.


Ann said...

Too late - I've just started it!

mary said...

I've finished, Ann. Not sure I believed the ending but I didn't see it coming!

Cosy Books said...

After reading your email I looked this book up on the library catalogue. I'm not sure that it's for me, Mary...white smoke and robes are a vast sea away from gas-rings and twin sets. I'm going to place it on hold for one of my VLS customers though, so thank you!

mary said...

Wouldn't be my first choice for a Darlene book but you never know! What a kind librarian you are, there's no VIP service at my library.
Internet problems continue here. At present, I'm locked out of the blog - though I can leave comments like anyone else. Hoping I can think of a way to resolve this or it will be Mrs Miniver RIP.

Sue said...

I'm always one step behind you, Mary. This is definitely next on my list. And, thank goodness you've managed to get back in...

Mary said...

It's gripping, Sue - you'll love it! Oh, the last few days ... I changed internet providers, never, ever again. You couldn't believe what a meal BT made of it. Engineer here for two hours after they cut off the phone - five hours yesterday hanging on for help desks ... and it all boiled down to something that wasn't technology just plain common sense.