Thursday 17 November 2016

Was that really two hours ... it went in a flash. So enjoyed a long wallow in Haworth this evening, watching BBC's new Bronte drama To Walk Invisible which is exactly how you'd want it to be. Branwell does stocious exceedingly well, the three actresses who play the sisters look just right (I particularly liked Emily, so gauche and fierce) and Haworth looks suitably pestilential and damp. Written and directed by Sally Wainwright - and I think I might go back and watch it all again, but maybe tomorrow.

I could hum a tune, smoke a cigar and I'd have a novel written... I've had nine poems published in the Halifax Guardian.

Anyway, if we're writing novels, I imagine we'll need more paper.

Why is it that woman's lot is to be perpetually infantilised or else invisible and powerless to do anything about it?

They need to get married those three, only who'd have them?


  1. How on earth did I miss this? I didn't check the TV schedule that's why. Thank God for BBC I player...

    Thank you for the heads up, Mary.


  2. You've not missed it, Veronica - not been on yet, this was a preview. Sorry, should have made it clear. Haven't got a date for it - but it's worth waiting for. Really brought it home what it was like living with Branwell. And Emily is brilliant.

  3. Stocious is a new one on me. I had to go look it up. I hope we get this program in the US, as I could enjoy looking at your bleak moors from the comfort of my living room. Lord knows it's pretty bleak here post election.

  4. I was wondering whether they'd sell it to America, Tabitha - and how you'd get on with the Yorkshire accents or would you need subtitles? It's quite authentic!

  5. It was very good, Sue. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
