Friday, 27 September 2024

Saddened to hear of the death of the sublime Dame Maggie and so glad that I got to see her last stage performance five years ago.


Pam said...

Oh, lucky you. She did have a most amazing face, didn't she?

Mary said...

Hello Pam, I'm touched that you're still looking in here - despite the dearth of posts! I keep vowing to do better - and nothing happens! Retirement lethargy.

Pam said...

One of the troubles is that less happens. But then I used to write about my work and you never did. You maintain a mysterious silence about your life outside going to the theatre etc.

Mary said...

That sums it up, Pam - less happens! Never thought I'd say it, but I'd happily go back to work part time - and not only for the money. I think retirement feels like living life on a smaller stage. Despite an interesting volunteering role and still having the energy to keep up with all the attractions of London. On the plus side, it's no longer a frantic dash to get to the theatre for a 7pm start!

Pam said...

I know what you mean, but I'm too busy for work! I do miss being with young people, and I miss, a bit, feeling useful to the wider world. But what with coffees with friends, and gardening, and choirs and grandchildren, and Duolingo, and ... doing the crossword... there's no time! And I haven't made a quilt since March and feel very deprived of that. And then, Duolingo. And reading. I wonder what you used to work at? I think you were either an academic or maybe a high-up civil servant. Maybe a museum curator. Hmm.

Mary said...

I wish I had been a high-up civil servant, Pam - I'd have a much better pension! Funny you should say that, because I did all the entrance exams back in the day - well, my dad did warn me I was making a stupid decision!

Anonymous said...

Have you decided not to blog anymore Mary? I miss your comments on books, films, theatre art etc, Always so astute

Mary said...

No, haven't decided to abandon it, more that I've left it so long, it's hard to jump back in. And I never solved the problem with images - might be something to do with my very ancient Mac which needs replacing. Good to know that somebody misses me, I'd assumed I'd have no readers left!