Tuesday 20 April 2010

It was heaving at the V&A as ladies of a certain age and gay men sighed over Grace Kelly's wardrobe.
Unfortunately, the V&A seemed equally star-struck and you won't learn anything from this exhibition that couldn't be culled from any 1950s fanzine.
It was lovely to see her costumes from High Society (even if they are now sadly faded) and the natty little black dress that she wore in Rear Window.
I didn't think much of her taste in jewellery, though, and doggy brooches are naff even if the diamonds are real.

It would have been sacrilege to
speak it aloud ... I'd have been lynched by coo-ing Surrey matrons ... but I do think that, in later life, Her Serene Highness's taste in floaty chiffon was just a bit mumsy.
If you want to see for yourself, do book in advance. It's a small exhibition, and very hot and cramped, and it was so crowded today that they were turning lots of people away.


  1. I have read that this exhibition is 'moth eaten' which rather put me off - perhaps it is better if the dresses stay fresh and new on the silvery screen. Thank you for visiting!

  2. Some of the dresses look a bit limp, Alice - I don't think it's one of the V&A's better efforts. And it did have that deadening feel of being over-respectful to royalty ... I suppose because they'd lent all the frocks!

  3. Miranda and I are going on Saturday and now I'm a bit worried. Eeek.

    And you're so right about the planes. I'm really noticing the constant drone now that we've had those few blissful days of silence. You must be in the Heathrow flight path, too!

    K x

  4. I still enjoyed it, Kristina, especially the early actressy years. And you can always see the quilt exhibition while you're there. Do book, though, if you're going on Saturday - I was really surprised that it was so crowded on a weekday.
