Sunday 5 August 2012

Now I know you shouldn't believe all you read in the papers, but they did say that London's museums and galleries were deserted ...
Otherwise I wouldn't have chosen a Sunday afternoon to visit the newly-refurbished William Morris Gallery. It was heaving with people and I hadn't realised that it only reopened a couple of days ago.

I wanted to like it more than I did. (Let's face it, you have to be keen to trek all the way to Walthamstow.) Never having been before, I don't know what it was like before the revamp.

It must have been a lovely house in Morris's day. But it is completely devoid of atmosphere and I didn't feel any sense of the man. (Anyway, he only lived there in his youth. It is really William Morris's mother's house.)

It feels more like a William Morris Visitor Centre; you can feel that unsympathetic hand of local authority ownership. (I mean, red bean-bags for seating ... are they useful?Are they beautiful?)

So glad I saw the collection when it was displayed in stunning surroundings last year.

But in future I'd prefer to visit here.


  1. Such a shame that you were disappointed Mary. Thank you for the links in your post, there is so much to be seen!

  2. Well, it made a Sunday afternoon outing, Toffeeapple. I haven't seen any reviews yet so will be interested to see what others make of it.

  3. The Hammersmith location does look quite inviting. Reminds me of visiting Carlyle's house, definitely a more personal way to learn about a person than a sterile setting.

    By the way, thanks for reminding me that I have a very expensive Morris needlepoint kit stuffed in an upstairs closet...unfinished.

  4. Sorry to arouse guilty memories, Darlene!
