Thursday 5 December 2013

Out of the north parts a great company and a mighty army ....

In Liverpool yesterday I remembered to pay a visit to the war memorial (opposite Lime Street station) which has just been upgraded to Grade I status. The detail of the bronze sculpture makes it so poignant, especially on the side that depicts the people of Liverpool mourning their dead ... men, women and children of all classes, from shawlies to prosperous gentlemen in overcoats stand against a background of massed graves. Their clothes make them seem so real, a woman's button shoes and wrinkled stocking, a boy's turned-down socks, a man leaning on a crutch and hiding his grief in his coat sleeve.  (Click on the image to see better.)

Sadly, among the Remembrance Day poppy wreathes there were so many small wooden crosses remembering young men who have recently died.


  1. I have yet to see this memorial Mary so thank you for sharing!
    Lovely to stop by and learn yet something again,

  2. I must have hurried past it many times without stopping to look, Noelle.

  3. As they say familiarity breeds contempt. It's something I've always taken for granted yet its shock to discover just how truly wonderful the images are. Thank you. Louise

  4. It's well worth stopping for a few minutes next time you're passing through the station, Louise.
