Thursday 6 May 2021

Still 12 days to go before cinemas reopen - and I've got a list of films in mind. (I'm not bothered about a shortage of blockbusters but I do hope there's more to choose from than last summer.) Meanwhile, this is a delightful Ethiopian film about a homesick boy, who has inherited his dead mother's cooking skills, and his lamb. Still on for a couple of days here; I've been meaning to watch it for weeks and only remembered tonight.


  1. Oh, excellent, you're here again! If only the world as a whole were more obedient to my commands... I'm slightly worried, as a vegetarian, by your description of 1.the boy's cooking and 2.his lamb. I'm hoping that the two never connected.

  2. There are some dodgy moments for the lamb, Pam. Possibly not the best film for a vegetarian but nothing too awful! Close your eyes and think of tofu!

  3. I'm glad you're back! I've missed your suggestions and have just watched 'Lamb' - I'd forgotten all about the films at the Institut Francois. It was a delight.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it Xiaomao. Lovely to have you back here, too. I'm touched that people haven't given up on me completely!
