Friday 27 August 2021

More radio! I can't seem to find anything I fancy on television - I'm soooo bored with murder! (Though I enjoyed belatedly catching up with the repeat of ITV's Lucan last night which, though first broadcast several years ago, offered an intriguing new explanation that hadn't occurred to me before.) The Fortnight in September is one of my favourite Persephone Books - so I listened to the first few episodes of the new Radio 4 adaptation over my dinner earlier this week. But wouldn't it make a great TV series ... the seaside boarding house and the bathing huts and the prom, I wanted to see it all! I'm not sure about the pace of this adaptation, though. I'm half way through - episode five - and it's still only the first night of the hols. Much better to re-read the book!


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

I've got that picture 'By the Shore' in my hallway!

Mary said...

I've always liked it, Vronni - but never seen it in the flesh! Was it a museum buy - or a lucky charity shop find?

Julia said...

One of my favourite books but I'd be wary of a screen adaptation – it would be terrible if they tried to make it more 'dramatic' and ruined what makes it so special.

Mary said...

Oh, yes - it's the quiet decency that makes it so lovely!