Monday 6 September 2010

I love it when it's definitely autumn but still warm enough to go out with bare legs.
And you can eat peaches for lunch.
But there's chicken cooked in earthy flavours of cider, tarragon and cream for dinner.
And you definitely still want an ice-cream. But this week's flavours are fig leaf, chestnut or blackberry sorbet.
You hear the wind in the tree outside your bedroom window and go to bed with a hotwater bottle.
And one of those old orange Penguin paperbacks with pages that smell sweet like stale icing.
And you lie there thinking that the white linen dress is going to look barking mad at the party next week. Especially if it rains. B*!@*r!
I hate shopping for clothes.
Whatever the season.


Darlene said...

An ice cream shop with a loyalty card...I love that!

The Coffee Lady said...

Oh dear. I can't cope with posh ice cream flavours.

mary said...

Darlene, I didn't notice the loyalty card until I got home ... so I'll have to go back and get one!
Coffee Lady, I'm afraid I cope all too well. My only problem was deciding which to have.

Gina said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - your name will be added to the others for the draw. Those sound like very sophisticated ice cream flavours... very good too!