Sunday 5 April 2020

One of the minor irritants of these virus times has been the deluge of
e-mails from every company with whom I have ever done fleeting business over the last decade, all hell bent on sharing their Meghan Markle philosophy of life ...
Well, I haven't been out much, so I haven't been picking up the snail mail from the mat - but this morning I noticed a fat package that brought joy instead of a desire to throw up and unsubscribe!
Emily Patrick's exhibition has been postponed until autumn - I'll be there, I promise! - but meanwhile she enclosed a bundle of lovely postcards that are now propped around my study. That's one mailing list I want to stay on.

The one with the Olbas oil wouldn't be my first choice - but I guess it's topical!


  1. What an interesting collection of objects! I don't know how such delicacy is achieved by artists but she seems to have it.

    At least you'll have plenty to look forward to, Mary, when this is all over. It's hard trying to imagine a post-covid 19 world again...

    Stay safe and well.

  2. I'll be the first one out the door, Vronni. I never fooled myself that I was the domesticated type but now I know for sure! Hope you're all well.
