Friday, 6 May 2011

Walking through Soho this afternoon, I was flabbergasted to see a flowerstall selling buttercups, at £1.50 for a modest (and rather wilted) fistful.
I burst out laughing - but the stallholder assured me that people buy them.
Are we getting too posh to pick our own?
I wonder what he'd have charged for the elegant cow parsley I picked by the side of a busy road the other day?


Vintage Reading said...

Unbelievable. There's some dandelions in my back garden ...!

Cornflower said...

I could set up a stall at my gate ! Not sure the canny Scots would part with money for buttercups, though.

mary said...

Nicola, that's exactly what I was thinking!
And I'm sure you Scots have more sense, Cornflower.

dragonfly said...

Hee hee! I'm feeling rather smug now (my last two posts will explain!)

kristina said...

You're very welcome to some from our allotment completely free of charge! Oh and we have dandelions too...

K x

Darlene said...

Good grief! But I have to admit some ignorance about cow parsley, off to look it up.

mary said...

Lovely pictures, Dragonfly. I've also got jugfuls of borage/cow parsley, but isn't it prickly stuff to pick? Borage, I mean.
Kristina, I feel quite inspired ... I could set myself up as a florist if dandelions ever become fashionable. (Anyway, I've always thought they're very pretty!)
Darlene, maybe you know it by another name. Queen Anne's lace?

rachel said...


Unbelievable. Or are London parks now immaculately buttercup- and dasiy-free, like bowling greens?