Monday 29 July 2024

I'm enjoying watching Love for Lydia on TPTV. Real, old-fashioned Sunday evening telly - and look out for a pre-Brideshead Jeremy Irons and a very youthful Maureen from Corrie. (Unfortunately, the ever-annoying Blogger is refusing to let me insert images ... It's been such a long time since I posted. Is Blogger defunct? Or just throwing tantrums? Tonight's episode reminded me how good HE Bates is on food. Well, think of all those massive dinners put away by the Larkins. We sat at the counter and ate fish and chips and separate saucers of scalding stewed peas, seasoning them from great tin salt and pepper dredgers that were like pint pots.Mrs O'Keeffe tossed the frizzling chips in the gleaming fryers and wiped her fat hands on her hips and asked me how my father was ... I was intending to post about my expedition yesterday to the excellent Edward Bawden exhibition at the Higgins at Bedford - but without pictures there doesn't seem much point! (Blogger doesn't like paragraphs either!)