Agatha Bas, Rembrandt, 1641 |
Last week, after a trying morning, I was looking to escape for a couple of hours. So where's soothing and peaceful, no crowds, no phones allowed, just a handful of art lovers absorbing some of the most ravishing pantings in London ... let's aim straight for the top and spend an afternoon at Buckingham Palace where this exhibition of
Dutch paintings is just one breathtakingly stunning work after another. (And yes, I do think they should be in the National Gallery, but there's no question that the Queen's Gallery - child-free, braying middle-class mother-free, school-trip free, and only the nicest kind of tourist - is a far more pleasing experience.)
So sail up the staircase, past the Christmas tree and look what's there ... Rembrandt's Agatha Bas for starters and, oh, this is simply exquisite close-up. You want to reach in and touch it, her fan, her locket, those folds of lace, and look at that mauve-gold petticoat she's wearing underneath. This was bought by George IV.
Then there's Rembrandt's mother, which was a gift to Charles I (the first Rembrandt ever to leave the Dutch republic).
A Girl Chopping Onions, Gerrit Dou, 1646 |
I loved this great dish of chopped onions ... and wondered if artist and model were weeping, it must have taken so long to paint such refined detail. (Actually, it's all about sex and onions were an aphrodisiac.)
An Elderly Couple in an Arbour, Adriaen von Ostade, c1670 |
I admit. I fell for the waffles. There are simply not enough waffles in European art.
Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman, 'The Music Lesson', Vermeer |
And then Vermeer, and my favourite de Hooch ...
A Courtyard in Delft at Evening, A Woman Spinning, Pieter de Hooch, 1657 |
Can't you just feel the heat of this balmy evening?
Card Players in a Sunlit Room , de Hooch, 1658 |
And feel those rough tiles under your feet? Both of these were acquired by George IV.
An Old Man and a Girl at a Vegetable and Fish Stall, Willem van Mieris, 1732 |
And because I do have a penchant for cakes in art, look at these slabs of shiny gingerbread - because that's what I'm making tomorrow. (There's gingerbread figurines on the shelves, if you look closely, and I think those ducks/swans on sticks are gingerbread, too, which is giving me ideas.)