Friday 29 May 2020

Don't miss this week's National Theatre at home ... far and away the best lockdown theatre I've seen, achingly funny, quite enthralling - and I'm in awe of playwright James Graham who wasn't even born when all this was happening. Always kicked myself for missing This House in the theatre so I was very pleased to get this chance, and I might even watch it again.
I've been enjoying these online plays. Nice change from all those completely interchangeable TV crime dramas! Bring back Armchair Theatre, I say, and ITV Play of the Week and the Wednesday Play ... no, I'm not that old, but I remember being sent to bed so my parents could watch them in peace!

Saturday 23 May 2020

COVID checklist: Clean oven - X
                              Read Proust - X
                              Lose half a stone - √
                              Then gain a stone - √
                              Learn to make sourdough - perhaps better not.
Like a Victorian lady, my excursions are limited by how long I can hold out without a loo! So as nothing is happening that's worth writing about, here's one for all ladies of a certain age who refuse to be written off yet!

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Several brews of tea, a toasted teacake dripping with butter and a cheerful lockdown afternoon spent online with Mrs 'Arris. Whoops, I was meant to be WFH! I loved this - I loved the book - but do be quick if you want to watch, it's not up for long.

Saturday 2 May 2020

The brilliance of series 2 of My Brilliant Friend has made the last few evenings of lockdown more bearable and I'll be bereft when I'm finished; if only I'd rationed myself instead of sitting up into the early hours! I'm tempted to go back to the beginning and start again - but I still haven't read the fourth novel.