Friday, 29 May 2020

Don't miss this week's National Theatre at home ... far and away the best lockdown theatre I've seen, achingly funny, quite enthralling - and I'm in awe of playwright James Graham who wasn't even born when all this was happening. Always kicked myself for missing This House in the theatre so I was very pleased to get this chance, and I might even watch it again.
I've been enjoying these online plays. Nice change from all those completely interchangeable TV crime dramas! Bring back Armchair Theatre, I say, and ITV Play of the Week and the Wednesday Play ... no, I'm not that old, but I remember being sent to bed so my parents could watch them in peace!


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

I have some catching up to do! Didn't like the James Corden one and promptly forgot about them....

Mary said...

No, I didn't like James Corden either - I gave up after about 10 minutes - and I'm not in the mood for Shakespeare - but there have been some good ones. If you're quick because they're not up for long! This House has been far and away the best - but there's an Irish play on the Royal Court site that you might like, Vronni - very dark humour so wouldn't be for every one! I think our theatres have really stepped up in difficult circumstances ... TV on the other hand has been rubbish!

Lucille said...

Great recommendation again. We watched this over two days. Loved the staging. Took a while to get used to the projecting voices but such good pace and script... The clothes! The hair! The mad machinations of our democracy at work.

Mary said...

Wasn't it brilliant? I'm not sure what younger audiences would make of it - but I enjoyed spotting who's who! I do wish these plays were up for longer. A friend told me last night that Frankenstein was excellent - but somehow that passed my by. (How? Not as if I had a previous engagement!)