Sunday 6 March 2011

For Mystica in Sri Lanka ...

The Rhododendron Dell in Kew Gardens. That's where I was today.
And a closer view of the flowers, which can be all shades of pink, red, scarlet, magenta, pure white, lilac, peach, pale lemon ...
A glorious sight en masse. Especially when they've grown wild over a hillside.


Mystica said...

Thank you so very much for such an immediate response.
I am just trying to imagine a mass of that color and imagine that in peach or lemon! or in any color for that matter.
Absolutely glorious.

mary said...

You're welcome!

StuckInABook said...

I've not been to Kew for ages, must revisit. Also, when I was last there it was a horribly hot day - not ideal for going round hothouses. Must visit in spring.

mary said...

I like it on a chilly day when you can go into the Palm House for a warm, Simon. But it won't be long until the bluebells, that's a good time to go.