Monday, 26 September 2011

A little something to torment Darlene ...

Lady Grantham: Edith, are you a lady or Toad of Toad Hall?

Best Maggie Smith line from this week's Downton Abbey. (Edith has announced her intention to drive a tractor.)

And did anybody else notice that the book that housemaid Anna doesn't get around to reading is Elizabeth and her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim?
(There was even the suggestion of forming a book group in the servants' hall ...)


Lucille said...

Hooted at that line and yes, I did notice the book. A strange choice I thought. I suppose it echoes the way that the upstairs girls are trying to escape the restrictions of a serviced life.

mary said...

I suppose it was a huge best-seller, Lucille; maybe it took 10 years or so for books to filter down to the servants.

StuckInABook said...

Oh but of course I recognised that, Mary! I am finding this series a little too melancholy so far; Maggie's one-liners are the reason I'm keeping going.

mary said...

It's not as good as the first series, is it, Simon? I keep trying to persuade myself that it is but there's something missing. Still enjoying it, but I'll survive if I miss a week.

Darlene said...

Oh Mary, how can you be so cruel? I would give you a pinch if I could! Off for a whimper...

mary said...

You said you wanted weekly bulletins, Darlene!

Anonymous said...

I agree - definitely not as good as the previous series, so far. It feels like a send up of itself in places...far too soapy and melodramatic. What was Edith up to in this episode, for example?! She would never do that. I hope it gets better, and quickly. I also hope Mary and Matthew sort things out. There are only so many painful glances across dinner tables that I can take!

But yes, I got very excited when I saw Elizabeth and her German Garden - I have exactly the same copy too!!

mary said...

Yes, Rachel, that was rather too much Lady Chatterley - and it's getting rather too ITV. What a shame. (We'll be black and blue if Darlene gets hold of us!)
But I got very excited by the book-sighting. I loved book-spotting in Mad Men, too.