Wednesday 28 November 2012

I'm a bit late joining in with Cornflower's 'my day in books' - completing sentences with book titles that we've read this year - and I'm afraid I don't have her patience, so I haven't created any links ... but it always amuses me how there's always a title to fit!

It goes without saying that I am compiling this right now this minute largely because I am running out of excuses for putting off a job that I have been contemplating all day.

I began the day by No Surrender
before breakfasting on Cakes and Ale
and admiring Half of the Human Race.
On my way to work I saw The Odd Women
and walked by The Crowded Street
to avoid Vile Bodies
but I made sure to stop at Wolf Hall.
In the office, my boss said, Why Be Happy, When You Could Be Normal?
and sent me to research Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris.
At lunch with Wilfred and Eileen
I noticed The Expendable Man
in The End of the World Book Club,
greatly enjoying The Best of Everything.
Then, on the journey home, I contemplated Ghastly Business
because I have Double Indemnity
and am drawn to Terra Incognita.
Settling down for the evening in Jacob's Room,
I studied The Elegant Art of Falling Apart
by The Less Deceived
Before saying goodnight to The World's Wife.

Fellow procrastinators, do feel free to join in!


Cornflower said...

Great for a bit of procrastination!

Darlene said...

Cakes and ale, a fine breakfast for any wench! Not saying that you're a wench or anything, Mary.

I love these memes and just might give it a go myself later on today.

mary said...

I don't need encouragement, Cornflower!

I'd be fine with cakes and tea, Darlene. Or porridge and whisky. But ale for breakfast?

Mac n' Janet said...

What fun! I always enjoy your blog, but find it hard to read the blue on pink, I'm old you see and my eyes are the pits.

mary said...

Sorry, Mac n' Janet - I keep meaning to change it some day when I have time to fiddle with it. My design skills are non-existent!