Monday 1 July 2019

I hadn't realised that Xinran was Mary Wesley's daughter-in-law and was inspired by Wesley's writing on women's love lives during the war to record the true stories of Chinese women across a turbulent century. I was completely riveted by The Good Women of China when I read it last year. The Promise begins with a story that must have been irresistible to any journalist (and Xinran used to host a groundbreaking radio show in China) ...  a husband's dying request - and this only happened in 2010, not in the dim and distant past - for his wife of more than 60 years to have a virginity test. The story of that marriage is heartbreaking - I was hooked from the first page - and Xinran then goes on to make contact with three younger generations of women from the same extended family. Perhaps it's not quite as good as The Good Women of China but that still means it's very good indeed.  I have some catching-up to do as I realise from the jacket notes that Xinran has written several more books;  the only other one I've read is Sky Burial, also highly recommended.


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

I had a bit of a Mary Wesley resurgence and began to reread all her books in the right order but unfortunately I was bored after the first three.

This book sounds fascinating - I had to reread the sentence about the virginity test after 60 years of marriage as I thought I had misread it!

I'll be trying to track this author down now - thank you for the recommendation!

Mary said...

Yes, I thought I'd misread it, too - but that really got me turning the pages! I was a big Mary Wesley fan - I suppose it must be decades ago now - but then I got a bit fed up with her, as you did.
Everything I've read by Xinran, however, has been fascinating.