Monday 26 August 2019

I'm still here ... hot and grumpy this afternoon as I'd convinced myself that autumn was here and, honestly, it suits me far better! I'm a summer person in my head - in practice, I'm lily-white and wilting.  Bought my first bunch of gladioli the other day and they're wilting, too, they didn't even open.
So do I disappear to the beach for the hottest weekend of the year ... no, I disappeared into the cinema with a like-minded friend. We must be a minority because even though cinema tickets were free last night at the local Odeon, it was only half-full. (Well, you had to buy a lottery ticket - but that's £2 for a lottery ticket v £15 for the cinema, even though we only managed one number between us. I gave up on lottery tickets when they doubled the price and introduced 'even more lucky numbers' to choose from - because I'm innumerate, but I'm not quite as innumerate as that!)
Anyway, we loved Once Upon a Time .. In Hollywood. Won't say more in case I spoil it.
To my surprise, I enjoyed it more than our Friday outing to Pain&Glory because I got the teeniest bit bored with Almodovar's film director and all his aches and pains. Possibly because the seats at the BFI are so damn uncomfortable that I had aches and pains of my own.
Oh well, they're both films about the pain of ageing ...
What the ladies with the bus passes really wanted to know, though, was what happened to cheap cotton housedresses like Penelope Cruz wears?

No movie today but I have at last finished Circe by Madeline Miller - not that I wasn't enjoying it, but  work got in the way. I've never had much interest in Greek mythology but this could easily end up as my best read of year.

As for sexed-up Sanditon ... well, I'm enjoying Anne Reid as Lady Denham. But as for the young lady who lost her innocence before she was old enough to know a prick from a pencil ...
Was it really necessary???
What I'm really looking forward to is this adaptation of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials which looks very promising indeed (especially after that truly dire film with Nicole Kidman.)
This documentary (coming up on TV) also looks interesting - I'd never realised that, during his wilderness years, Churchill was employed (very lucratively) as a screenwriter and historical adviser in the movies.

And has anybody been listening to Heartburn? My tea-break series of the week (with recipes thrown in ... but the temptation to rise from one's desk to make a key-lime pie can be overwhelming!)

As this post turned into a round-up, I should also mention Never Look Away which is far and away the best film I have seen all year. Three hours long - and I didn't blink! Only one other couple in the cinema and as we emerged into daylight the others confessed that they'd brought three bars of chocolate for sustenance - but been so gripped that they hadn't even opened the first one! Brilliant, as you'd expect from the director of The Lives of Others. Sorry, for this rather too late recommendation but you might still catch it if you're quick. I'd have willingly seen it through again - but might have needed a bite of that chocolate!


Nan said...

I found the Heartburn site, and I am able to listen though in the US! Do you think it is abridged or do they do the entire book?

I loved reading your movie adventures. Very funny, and so well written. Do they offer free movies just to get people in - to draw them back to the movies?

Mary said...

I think it must be abridged,Nan - though it's a very short book. Glad you can get it in the US.

The free cinema tickets were for National Lottery Cinema Day which was yesterday, promoting lottery funding of British movies ... we weren't trying to be perverse choosing a Hollywood movie, but it's only just struck me that there were no British movies on at our local cinema this week! And if there was a British movie about ageing, it would be probably be something relentlessly cheery like Finding Your Feet!
I wonder if it was more about drawing cinema goers back to buying lottery tickets???

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased you are back...I have missed your always excellent recommendations. 'His dark materials' looks like a treat - Ruth Wilson!

Mary said...

Thanks, anonymous - it's nice to be missed! I wondered if anyone would be still be reading or even notice. Summer has simply disappeared, mostly work unfortunately. And yes, Ruth Wilson's eyebrows ... perfect for Mrs Coulter!

Anonymous said...

I am still here, too. In the 50s and 60s we all used to make our own cotton dresses; it seems to me that fabric is far more expensive than it ever was.

I adore Phillip Pullman's series of books about Lyra but I would hesitate to see a film of them since the characters are so clear in my mind that anyone else's version would be very wrong for me. I shall stick to the books.

It was good to read what you have been getting up to.

Mary said...

Good to hear from you again, Toffeeapple. Yes, fabric seems very expensive- not that I have any sewing skills at all!
The film adaptation of P Pullman was very disappointing and bland - this one looks more promising. I wonder what he thinks?

Nan said...

Oh, I own Finding Your Feet! I bought it from AmazonUK, and liked it! "relentlessly cheery" is exactly right.

Mary said...

You have to be in the right mood, Nan!