Tuesday, 21 December 2021

I was looking forward to A Very British Scandal but after watching the first episode, I can't say I'm desperately bothered to watch the next. It's more sympathetic to the raunchy Duchess than I was expecting. Hardly Christmas viewing though, but maybe I'll catch up with it later ... if we're locked down again, I might even be glad of it! I was far more intrigued by The Girl Before - and the minimalist house from which books are banned.I gasped in horror - then thought how soothing life would be without 'stuff'.


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

No - not a life without stuff! I love stuff - especially my books. They make me so happy. I'm looking forward to 'A Very British Scandal'.

Happy Christmas, Mary!

Mary said...

No, I'm not a minimalist either, Vronni - and if books are banned, so are charity shops so not a hope for you!
All best wishes for a happy Christmas to you, too.

Pam said...

I love stuff too - nice, tasteful stuff, naturally... Though it would be quite nice not to, I suppose.