Tuesday 6 September 2022

There is a lovely fresh-start, sharp pencils, back-to-school feel about September - all the more enjoyable for not actually going back to school which would be my worst nightmare ever (one I still occasionally have when under stress). I'm going to Learn New Things and Never Procrastinate Again, Ever and Embrace Marie Kondo. Well,here I am at 3pm and I've done one load of washing, read a good chunk of Family Roundabout because I pulled it down from the shelf and why not, haven't done any work yet and there's a biblical downpour so I haven't gone out yet either ... But I have booked my ticket for Cézanne. So that's something.


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Why does it always rain when you do a wash? Love the September vibe, too.

Mary said...

And just when I set out on a walk 'between showers' this afternoon - the heavens opened.