Saturday 23 April 2011

I'd only gone into town for the sake of something to do, feeling slightly guilty that I wasn't making more of a sunny day. But I found myself entranced by Watteau's exquisite drawings at the Royal Academy. It was as if I could hear the rustle of silk - and the music - and smell the scent of wig powders and pomades. So maybe that's why I wandered up to Liberty, for a spritz of something expensive and rose-scented (I'm shameless) ... then down Regent Street, looking very festive
hung with Union Jacks (I'm no royalist but I do think The Guardian can be a bit miserable) ... then into Golden Square, where you can almost imagine a shopfront like Gersaint's.
And there my elegant afternoon disintegrated into blatant consumption of cinnamon buns here.
(Could somebody please let out my corsets?)
And even worse ... I was mugged by a green Easter bunny with white sugar ears. In a shop where royal wedding cupcakes are miniature works of art. (Scroll down to see.)
Alas, Easter bunny cupcakes do not travel well by Tube during a heatwave.
And he was a green, squishy mess in the bag by the time we got home.


Lucille said...

The Nordic bakery? I love it in there. So peaceful just a stone's throw away from the overheated bustle.

mary said...

Of course, Lucille! Can't resist the smell of a tray of hot buns. (But I didn't have hot X buns this year, I'm not a complete pig!)

mary said...

I doubt I'll sit through it all, Sue - but of course I'll want to see the dress!
I haven't seen the book. All I'd really want is their bun recipe, I always have the same thing when I go there!

kristina said...

The exhibition is on our holiday to-do list. And I've just discovered the butter buns at Nordic Bakery--my new obsession--as they feel just a bit more virtuous than the cinnamon buns (though I'm sure they're not)! And I do have the cookbook with both recipes...

K x

mary said...

Ooh, I didn't see any butter buns, Kristina ... cinnamon ones are definitely not virtuous.

Darlene said...

I love the way you describe a lovely day out in London as going into town. Oh, and what I wouldn't give to have a spritz of something expensive from Liberty!

Mystica said...

I like your description and thank you for the links! those acrylic nails look equally scrumptious as the cake!

mary said...

Darlene, I'm sure I'd be dropping in every day if I was working nearby.
Mystica, I think I'd prefer cake!