Saturday 19 November 2011

I suppose I have rather squandered a sunny afternoon, watching back-to-back Fred Astaire films on television ... but I did enjoy The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle.

I didn't realise that their dancing career was so brief before Vernon was killed in WWI.

Here's Mrs Castle wearing some fabulous clothes. (She also started the craze for bobbed hair.)

I'd love to dance the Castle Waltz, or the Turkey Trot or the Grizzly Bear.

And I think I might even actually manage the Castle Walk.


fiftyodd said...

I love all the old movies - no-one, but no-one danced like Fred Astaire.! My mother would have read all the books you mention! I've loved Jane Austen myself.

mary said...

Hello, Fiftyodd. I've just been over to visit your blog and, on a foggy day here in London, I feel quite overwhelmed with envy for your sunny South African skies!

Mac n' Janet said...

A day spent doing what you want to do is time well wasted! Love old movies, finally saw all of Singing in the Rain and loved it.

mary said...

I haven't seen Singing in the Rain for ages, Janet; brings back memories of dancing home at dawn after an all-night movie show ... won't tell you how many years ago!