Tuesday 20 October 2020

Well, that's £11 I'll never see again! I went with low expectations that were amply fulfilled. If ever a film didn't need to be made - and if ever it was totally predictable that I'd go out of curiosity! Even Manderley looked totally wrong. 

Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs Danvers is the only one who can actually act. Simpering, silly Lily James and Armie Hammer - I thought that was toothpaste! - look as if they've ambled in from playing stock characters in an Agatha Christie murder mystery. There's so much snogging in the South of France that when Mrs van Hopper says,'You're a quick worker,' you're inclined to agree. Caroline de Winter's portrait on the staircase - surely by Gainsborough?  - has been revamped into a sexy Sargent swagger portrait ... nooooo! And as a friend has just reminded me ... Maxim is wearing a vest!I mean, can you imagine it ... Rebecca in her gossamer nightdress and he keeps his vest on!

If this is Rebecca for a younger generation ... they don't know what they're missing. 


callmemadam said...

Why will they make new versions of films when a classic already exists? It never works.

Mary said...

Maybe if it had a new twist - David Copperfield worked well, but that was a classic book rather than a classic film. But this is mediocre tosh - and Armie Hammer is so bland,he looks like a sweater advert. You need that hint of a threat emanating from Olivier. At the very least, he needs to be an older man with a past. Totally miscast - apart from Mrs Danvers.

Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Oh Mary,

I am so disappointed to hear this. I have been looking forward to taking my daughter to this film; and introducing her to one of my all time favourite books (along with Jane Eyre). I took her to see 'Little Women' and she loved it - she's 42 by the way! I was hoping to repeat the experience but hearing that Manderley wasn't right and that there was simpering has put me right off. You're right too, that Armie Hammer sounds like a toothpaste - it's Arm and Hammer toothpaste, I believe! I bet he got the p**s taken out of him when he was growing up.

Mary said...

I know, it's disappointing, isn't it - I really hoped it would be wonderful but Little Women was so much better than this! But don't let me put you off - it was an afternoon out, it's nice to be back in a cinema and, daft as it sounds, I really enjoyed the trailers! It did feel like being back to normal! But I wish they'd put on the 1940 Rebecca - I've never seen it in a cinema, have you?

Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

No, but I have it on DVD and watch it a few times a year...

Mary said...

Yes, that or Brief Encounter!

Vintage Reading said...

Thanks I will avoid it like the plague (maybe not an appropriate term to use right now!) I liked Lily James well enough in the Mama Mia stuff but I really can't visualise her as the first Mrs De Winter.

Mary said...

Well, she's the second Mrs de Winter ... but she should be plain, drab and nameless not prancing around in snazzy Riviera beach pyjamas, don't you think?
Mind you, would be nice to have a cinema to go to right now!