Friday 27 October 2023

Even if money were no object, I'm afraid I'm too clumsy to be trusted with anything like this - but isn't this Lucie Rie bowl simply beautiful?
But wouldn't you just love to own a collection of her wartime buttons? I'd have to learn to knit! Happened on this exhibition as I was walking in Berkeley Square this afternoon.


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Yes and yes! I can't knit either but I can and did crochet. I think I made about 15 crochet blankets from when I retired up until a couple of years ago when I lost my crocheting mojo - which hasn't come back.

My daughter and I went to the exhibition at the Fitzwilliam in Cambridge last week; it was insightful and thought provoking.

Mary said...

I keep meaning to treat myself to a day in Cambridge, Vronni - I'm desperate to visit Kettle's yard and last time I was there I spent too long in the Fitzwilliam and didn't make it!