Saturday 26 August 2017

I've seen some pretty awful theatre this year ... Common, zzzz, with Anne-Marie Duff at the National; Oil, yawn, that was Anne-Marie Duff again (but maybe that was last year?); and now Against, which in fairness isn't quite as bad as the other two, but still felt like a very long and wordy and worthy evening tonight. (No, it's not plays with one-word titles because Ink was quite brilliant!)
Trouble is, if you want to see Ben Whishaw for £10 you book well in advance. But I set out with low expectations tonight, having read the reviews. Whishaw plays a Silicon Valley billionaire (I know, he barely looks old enough to shave) who is getting messages from God urging him to address the problem of violence. I do think he's a wonderful actor; he deserves better than this.
Undaunted, I booked another ticket when I got home. Albion, from the same writer and director as King Charles III ... now that has to be good!

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