Sunday 22 March 2020

Binge-watched six episodes of this "Downton for kids" series last night and it's perfect escapism and a welcome break from obsessively counting one's toilet rolls and googling imaginary symptoms. Matron could vanquish any virus with a glare!
Now off to make blueberry pancakes for the Vitamin C content.

(Coming soon,  as I guess I'll be watching rather more TV than I'd choose, Normal People - though I didn't care for the book - and The Luminaries which sounds promising.)


Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

I'd not long read a blog post from Dovegreyreaderscribbles about this series; and then I read yours! I had no idea it was on TV and I never read the Enid Blyton books either. I might have to watch the series!

Mary said...

It was very cheering, Vronni - lovely Cornish scenery (though I think it was filmed in Canada!), old-fashioned school uniforms - exactly like mine but our summer dresses were green, not yellow - but so far only one midnight feast!

callmemadam said...

The Malory Towers series is noted for *not* having midnight feasts!

There was a strange lack of staff or lessons, I thought.

Mary said...

Oh, I didn't know that, Callmemadam - I read more St Clare's for some reason, I think there must have been more in the library. And St Clare's definitely had feasts!
You're right about the staff - parents don't get much value for the fees!

Cosy Books said...

Sent a link to the trailer to some friends yesterday, Mary. Just the thing to disappear into and for getting away from the breathless reporting of the virus.
It's blueberries in my oatmeal this morning but your pancakes sound more tempting!

Lucille said...

Oh joy! This was my favourite EB series. I have just finished W1A so needed a swift replacement distraction and here it is. Thank you.